
Circulo Amarelo Esq
BooksTechnical publications
Livro 50 Anos

ABEMI 50 YEARS – A story under construction

Against the background of the trajectory of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Engineering (ABEMI), the work brings together illustrations and images ranging from 19th century scenarios to the great projects built in Brazil to show the achievements that contributed to the improvement of the national infrastructure and the challenges faced throughout the process.

Throughout its 178 pages, the book portrays several historical moments that had a great impact on the country's economic and industrial development, such as the decree signed in 1785 by D. Maria I demanding the extinction of any manufacturing activity in Brazil for being contrary to the interests of the colony itself. Years later, a charter issued by D. João would revoke the decision and eliminate a major obstacle to the beginning of national industrialization.

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BooksTechnical publications
Livro Engenharia De Projeto 300x200

Project Engineering – The essential knowledge

Edition: December 2015
Description: This book was conceived by ABEMI's engineering and consulting department and was written to serve as a guideline for those who work or intend to work in the area. Our goal is to provide a more comprehensive view of the role of design engineering. The work is aimed at several continuous processing industries, including the oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical, pulp and paper and thermoelectric sectors. Contributed to the creation of the book, professionals from associated companies with extensive experience in the segment.

BooksTechnical publications
Sistemas Integrados De Gestao

Integrated Management Systems

Edition: 2013
Description: This publication brings together the conclusions of the association's Management Working Group and brings basic concepts on the subject, recognized by most companies that conceive, design and erect industrial facilities. ABEMI's Management WG was created in 2012 and, since then, has been studying the application of integrated management systems in associated projects, mainly those of the EPC modality (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) and EPCM (Engineering, Procurement and Management and Construction). The objective of the book, explains in the preface the coordinator of the WG, Maurício Godoy (Toyo Setal), is to serve as a guide for professionals and companies that consider implementing integrated management in their undertakings.

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BooksTechnical publications
Livro Melhoria Produtividade Tubulacao Abemi

Piping Productivity Improvement: Problems – Causes and Solutions

Edition: december/2011
Description: Book edited by ABEMI, with the objective of identifying the problems, their causes and suggesting solutions to improve the productivity of Brazilian industrial engineering companies, in the areas of prefabrication and assembly of industrial piping.