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The entity

Brazilian Association of Industrial Engineering (ABEMI) Non-profit civil entity.

Main goal

Represent Brazilian engineering companies in Design, Civil Construction, Assembly and Maintenance, Manufacturers and Logistics.

In line with market challenges, ABEMI's activities are guided by important pillars, such as: ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), Innovation, Technology and Compliance.

Abemi Incentiva E Desenvol Atuacao Empresas Engenharia Industrial (1)
Gather and represent the associated companies.

Exercise the defense of collective interests:

Abemi Incentiva E Desenvol Atuacao Empresas Engenharia Industrial Visao (1) (1)

To be recognized as an institution of prestige and representativeness in the defense of the interests of its
associates and national industrial engineering.

The Brazilian Association of Industrial Engineering - ABEMI is a non-profit civil entity, which brings together Project Engineering, Civil Construction, Industrial Assembly, Equipment Manufacturers and Maintenance and Logistics companies, responsible for the infrastructure and industrial park implemented in Brazil. , as well as for works in these areas carried out abroad. It was founded on May 23, 1964 by a group of businessmen, who aimed to represent their engineering and industrial assembly companies.

With over half a century of activity, ABEMI has been working hard to defend the collective interests of its associates and, thus, represent them institutionally before the government and public bodies. In addition, it adds knowledge in the pursuit of the sector's competitiveness, by contributing substantially to the country's economic and social development.

In addition to institutional activities, ABEMI also develops work through technical commissions, study groups, committees, and also promotes lectures, seminars, workshops, surveys, interviews, among other actions; that make it possible to generate a large permanent forum for debates and greater networking among its associates.

ABEMI has, among its associates, the most significant industrial engineering companies in the Brazilian market, which operate in the economic segments of Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals and Chemistry, Steel and Mining, Energy, Pulp and Paper and Infrastructure.

With these actions, ABEMI, in addition to maintaining its principles and objectives, broadened its horizons, its forms of action and social scope, in order to keep up with the demands and priorities in the transformations of market forces and, mainly, to establish itself in the economic scenario, political and social life in Brazil.

Sector revenue
R$ 1 bilhão
Direct jobs
28. 1
Indirect jobs

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